December 2014 ST Mug Meeting

Microsoft Office 360 now free

I don't know when they changed the priceing, but now if you open excel or word, it says you can edit if you log in with a free microsoft account:

before you had to pay $8/month or $100/year for the privilege of editing a document on your ipad.


Fremium games

My son has a word for someone who plays a free game until you have to pay and then doesn't pay, a shoplifter.

South Park had an episode o Fremium games:


There are several articles explaining fremium games

So one problem it apple, they make it almost imposible to figure out which app is eating up your money with in game purchases.

The only way to see where your money is going it to get Itunes up and running, go to the store menu, and view account.

Then scroll down to purchase history, and click on see all.

Not that the culprit will be the LAST one on the list on the far right, so you most likely won't even be able to read the offending app that cost you money in the list, you have to click on the little right arrow on the left side, and it will say what cost you the money at the bottom of the list.

What is even worse, is apple will only tell you what you bought in the game, and the company that made the game, so if it said 'smurfberries' you would know that the dreaded smurf game was eating you wallet, but vitually all the games have cute names for things that are $50-$60 that have nothing to do with the games.


On problem is that if you buy anything even if it is free and type your password in, the next thing you buy will just zap your credit card if it happens less than 15 minutes afterwords. So virtually every game has a 'cheap' option where if you click on the $5 worth of smurfberries to get you kid to be quiet for a few minutes, the cheapest one is guanteed to last for less than 15 minutes worth of game play. And if you keep on hitting the cheapest option, $5, you could play forever $5 at a time, otherwise you could hit the 'best value' option at $60 and they make a whole bunch of money of off you.


So the solution is to delete all the fremium games and never download any of the 'top grossing' apps in the app store, or go turn off in-app purchases.

It is burried in Settings-General-Restrictions, and In-App Purchases is of course at the bottom., also it is not a bad idea to turn on 'Require Passord' immediately, instead of 15 minutes.

Note that if you turn off restrictions, and turn them back on, it conviently forgets your settings, and you have to turn everything back on the way it was after turning restrictions back on.



This fun little app will show you how fast the different Idevices are

You can buy it for .99

and see how you phone or ipad stacks up, but you can look at the first chart for free.


One reason the ipad costs more than android is they are supposed to be a lot faster in the benchmarks



Is another neat app that will show you what is running, how much ram you have, and other info about ipads/phones.


This is a plugin for Safari, it will let you anotate a web page and send it on to someone