March 2008 meeting notes:

Cellphone usage;

A motion was passed for everyone to set the ringers of their cellphones to vibrate during the meetings. Please be curtious in your cellphone usage during the meetings by going downstairs to have conversations.

Iphone developers conference:

Some statistics that came out of the conference showed that apple has 71% of the new sales for internet enabled cell phone devices. By June third party apps will be available for your iPhone. No more hacking to get your favorite program running on your iPhone.

Macbook update:

There is a firmware update to the MacBook that fixes a problem with the keyboard. Apparently it was not your imagination that the first key you hit was not registered when you hit it.

Software updates:

When you run software update in the start menu, it only updates Apple software. There is a dandy program called appfresh That takes the pain out of updating all your software. Be careful though, I would only update apps one at a time to make sure that they work right and you don't send your computer into a coma due to update overload. Another download link

Playing windows movies in quicktime:

Flip4mac will let you play most windows movies in Quicktime.


Bookdog lets you organize your bookmarks in Safari automatically even if you add new ones. You can sort folders alphabetically, or by date to keep your bookmarks in order.


Dropcopy is a handy little program that will let you dump any file onto another mac on your network also running drop copy.

It will also share your clipboard between computers.


Iceclean will let you clean out various cache files on your mac, and let you tweak hidden options that you normally can't get to.

Other software that are similar: MainMenu, Onyx, and Techtool Pro


If you don't have a lot of ram, Ifreememory (which is not free by the way) will clean out your ram and may cut down on wait time due to spinning beach balls. With memory being so cheap, if you see frequent beach balls on your screen, it might be worth it to buy more ram for your Mac.

Plaxo for the Mac:

Plaxo will let your sync your address books between programs that are usually quite incompatible. Now you can type all of your contacts into one program (say your Gmail or Hotmail account) and it will copy it to all the other devices/programs you set up: like a Blackberry, your iPhone, the Apple address book, or even a Microsoft address book.

We are going to attempt to use it for the club to make a list of members that stays current. Use the club gmail account and password when signing into the Plaxo program and update your info so the club member list is current. (stmug08 at gmail dot com , stmug123 .... no spaces, replace at & dot with correct symbols.)

Gmail Notifier:

If you have a gmail account, it's a no-brainer. Download gmail notifier and never have to log in to see if you have any messages waiting.

Safari stretch:

Safari strech is little program that will let you stretch your safari window to fit the whole screen.

Autofill in safari:

Safari will remember your usernames and passwords, but it is turned off by default. Just go to the preferences in safari, click autofill on the top, and check all the boxes and safari will remember everything from then on.